"Cage has a pet crow named Hoover who lives in a geodesic dome in his Las Vegas home." There, I just had to type it out myself so as to try typing a sentence I absolutely, definitely have never typed before. 😂 (I apparently missed some good stuff by not watching the show.)
I think I just found my new way to keep with the news in 2025
Alex, do not take this lightly - I think all news sources should deliver their information in the same way you do.
As always, excellent commentary!
Well done Alex! Happy New Year (think I can still say this)
"Cage has a pet crow named Hoover who lives in a geodesic dome in his Las Vegas home." There, I just had to type it out myself so as to try typing a sentence I absolutely, definitely have never typed before. 😂 (I apparently missed some good stuff by not watching the show.)